how to make a tooth fairy box?tooth keepsake box diy Tutorial

I am here to share my experience with how to make a tooth fairy box with polymer clay.
Last night, my big daughter changed her canine teeth. I remember I had seen how to make a baby tooth fairy box on TV. Why not make a baby tooth box for my child ? I am asking myself.
Just Do it. It took about 2 hours, and finally it was done. Below are the final work , isn‘t it cute ?
how to make a tooth fairy box? (1)
The Process of making a tooth fairy box.
Step1: Material Preparation.
  • tape
  • pens
  • scissors
  • Some Clay and paper cards
  • a candy box

Step 2: Making Process
  • Cut a round shape of cards with scissors according the candy box shape
  • Fold twice with the cards like below images
  • Use the pen to mark the tooth places[hole] and Cut it
I think you need around 20 holes for all deciduous/ milk tooth places, so i cut 20 holes.
After that, we get a card with 20 holes suitable with candy box
shape the clay you like (i use purple one ) to spread it in the candy box
  • Use the pen to make the hole in the flat clay
  • paiting the paper cards
  • Drawing the tooth records cards
It is not easy to drawing the teeth chart, I drew three times before I succeeded!
And my daughter said its ugly. LoL.
  • Put the lost tooth in their new house(tooth fairy box)
A joint photo with my artwork. she is so happy.
Hurry up and try it by yourself.
If you have no idea where to buy a tooth fairy box, you can also check our latest tooth fairy box if you need one.

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